Homeowners in northern Indianapolis know that buying a home is a huge achievement as well as a huge commitment. However, very few people stay in their first home forever because needs can change dramatically over the years. If your home isn’t meeting your needs anymore and you’re finding yourself browsing homes for sale online, it may be time for you to move on. Our team at GVC Mortgage is here to help. Check out the list below to see if it’s time for you to move on.
1. You’re Out of Space
If you bought your first home as a newlywed with no kids and now you’re a minivan-driving soccer mom, chances are your needs have changed. If things are getting a bit tight in your household, it may be time to move. Maybe you had a baby, or an aging parent moved in with you, or you need a guest room for relatives to stay. Or maybe you just don’t have anymore room for anything at all. Whatever your reason, if space is tight, it’s time to move to a bigger place.
2. Your Commute Is Too Long
Have you had a change of jobs since you moved into your home? Or maybe you didn’t think your commute would bother you, but now it does. Over time, the daily grind of getting to and from work may be adding enough stress that you’re ready to pack up and move closer to work. Not only will a shorter commute lower your stress levels, you’ll also get more sleep!
3. Your Financial Situation Has Changed
Your financial situation has a big impact on where you live. If you bought your home when you were just starting your career, you may be making more money now and can afford an upgrade. Likewise, if you bought your home when things were good but you’ve lost your job, it could be time to downsize your home and lifestyle.
Whatever the reason for your move, let our team at GVC Mortgage help. If you need help with the loan process or want to explore your mortgage options, contact GVC Mortgage at (317) 564-4906. Our team of home loan professionals serves home buyers in the Carmel, Fishers, and greater Indianapolis area.
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